8 Most Brutally Violent Video Game Moments Of 2017 (So Far)
2017 might set a record for most mutilated video game penises in a year.

Video games and violence have always gone hand in hand. Fortunately, we've come a long way since the days of Mortal Kombat and Manhunt scaring parents and Fox News reporters into thinking that violent video games turn people into killers and criminals. At this point it's accepted that even the most kid-friendly releases out there will feature some sort of violence - even if it just involves beating up a magical mushroom or stomping on a goomba's head.
But while not every release treats its violence seriously or necessarily draws attention, sometimes it feels as though some games are made with the sole intention of shocking you through brutal, violent moments. These instances may have a purpose; maybe used to drive home an emotionally harrowing moment in the plot, but sometimes you get the feeling that they're just there to make you feel a bit sick - and to get you talking about the game with your friends.
However, it's always fun checking out just how far video games can continue to push levels of violence with new releases. As with graphics and technology getting better every year, developers have more tools at their disposal to create some epically brutal moments that'll stay with you for years to come.
8. Mutilating Counsellors In Friday The 13th
Because it's a loving ode to the classic horror series of the same name, the developers of Friday the 13th have taken the time to painstakingly recreate the most iconic deaths from the movies in their game, translating them into finishing moves that the player controlling Jason can perform.
Thankfully the brutality on offer lives up to the franchise's reputation, and as Jason you're able to eliminate camp counsellors in a variety of deliciously gory ways that range from burning them alive to ripping their face apart with your bare hands.
But while these are all brutal deaths in their own right, the most violent one featured in the game naturally comes from the simple combo of Jason and his iconic machete.
This finisher sees Jason throwing his victim to the floor, dismembering both of their arms with two swift blows before lodging the machete into the centre of their skull. Oh, and once he rips his weapon out he steps over his victim's face just for good measure.
All of the executions in Friday the 13th are the definition of overkill, but this one has to be the most outrageous of the lot.