8 Most Confusing Video Game Endings Nobody Understands

2. Bayonetta

Bayonetta ending

When I play Bayonetta, it's actually quite hard to even focus on the plot thanks to the over the top action spectacle that is thrust upon the player at every given moment. It's impossible to care about the whys and the hows when you've got angelic forces the size of a barge trying to split your wig. If you do find yourself taking a breather for a moment you'll realise something: the plot makes absolutely no sense whatsoever.

Things start off easy with the fact that Bayonetta is a witch who can for some reason use her hair as a weapon. She's got a classic case of amnesia and as such is as much in the dark as we are. Chased by the forces of God, we need to kick ass and keep her alive.

So far, so digestible, right? What if I told you even that basic lore is scattered all throughout the first game with seemingly little care for player understanding, alongside completely unanswered questions like why she's being hunted down? Why there are other witches that are seemingly on the side of evil but also declare that they hate it, why these witch groups are competing for some eye that will help reset the world, how Bayonetta's dad knew all of this, what the hell being pure has to do with anything and on top of this, who is that little kid who can be seen throughout the game?

It's enough stress to make you go bald, and in Bayonetta's case, where her hair is also her suit, she probably doesn't want that to happen.


Jules Gill hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.