8 Most Disappointing Boss Battles Of All Time

2. Killer Croc - Batman: Arkham Asylum

Bioshock infinite
Warner Bros

If we're being brutally honest, Arkham Asylum has got some pretty ropey boss battles in it. Seriously if you boil it down, outside of the brilliant Scarecrow sequences, who really stands out as a good boss? The "giant Bane-like" enemies got boring the moment you made them run into a wall for the first time and realized this was the only gimmick they'd use, and the less said about the final Joker showdown the better.

So who's left? Oh yeah, that's right, Killer Croc, and my lord talk about a disappointment.

This villain is built up so heavily before his encounter that it's easy to imagine that he might have been the final boss of the entire game. The sheer menace and horror of his design is quite terrifying up close, and as you descend into the bowels of the sewers, that creeping dread is fully realized as it becomes clear you're not alone down here.

Yet what follows is the equivalent of a jump scare in a horror movie where it turns out to be nothing more than just a cat knocking over a bin, because the actual battle with Croc boils down to him running at you like a !*$% moron and you bantering him off with a Batarang. The fact he does this multiple times and doesn't learn how to attack in any other way almost relegates him from being a boss battle at all, he's merely a quick time encounter and this character deserves way better than that.


Jules Gill hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.