8 Most Disappointing Boss Battles Of All Time

1. Prowling Magus And Congregation - Dark Souls 2

Bioshock infinite

Oh dear oh dear what in the name of the Chuckle Brothers is going on here then?

Dark Souls, a franchise famed, and indeed feared, for its intense boss battles. Each and every one of these nightmare spawns will poke and prod your very soul with incredible damage, insane resistance, and of course a good old dollop of pure !*$%.

That being said, not all of these bosses were fun to fight, and a handful, dare I say it, could even be considered bad! Lest we not forget the design team even out and out apologized for the Bed Of Chaos boss fight and it's absolutely dreadful "guess you stood on the wrong tile" !*$%, however when it comes to disappointing, there's only one candidate.

The Prowling Magus And Congregation is both the easiest boss fight in pretty much all of Dark Souls and the most pathetic, comprising of just a group of slow shuffling bodies and a spell caster who coughs out magic as deadly as a cup of lukewarm tea. The shock of walking into this area to find a surprise boss is left in pieces moments later when you're standing atop a pile of bodies that you didn't even break a sweat for.

Hell, they're so utterly incompetent that they make Pinwheel look deadly, and that's saying something.

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