8 Most Humiliating Video Game Missions

5. Complete 100 Extra Missions - Sonic Lost World

Gta 5 Unknowing The Truth

Sometimes a mission doesn't reveal itself to be a humiliating one until you've finally completed it and looked at the spoils of all your hard work. It's not obvious at the time that you're working towards an item that has no use for your build, or is just plain rubbish overall, however, in the curious case of Sonic Lost World, the reward itself was absolutely nothing except absolute rage.

To better explain, Sonic Lost World offers the player a chance to take part in optional missions that are delivered to you in batches by Omochao and can range from collecting a specific number of coins in a level or with a certain character or beating bosses without taking any damage, kind of like in-game achievements.

As you might expect, seeing as there is bang on one hundred missions, your anticipation for completing all of them only grows and grows the closer you get to the finish line. Will it unlock a new character? A new scenario? A tonne of cheats and extra modes?

Nah. none of that, because Team Sonic actually forgot to program in any reward at all. Cool. Cheers.

The devs would go on to remove the text box saying congratulations on completing the 100 extra missions, making the entire ordeal SOMEHOW EVEN WORSE.

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