8 Most Humiliating Video Game Missions
4. 20 Straight Losses Online - Dead Or Alive 4

So let's face facts, at their core the Dead Or Alive franchise is one built on humiliation.
From serving up a beatdown to players so bad that you're using their face to dig their own graves to the almighty humiliation worn like a millstone from simply owning the creep n peep simulators that are the Xtreme Volleyball offshoots, all the way to the humiliation one must have felt buying even one of the DLC costume packs, these are titles that revel in you being red-faced.
And then there's the peak of this point and laugh parade which comes in the form of Dead Or Alive 4's Secret Achievement "20 Straight Losses" which as you might imagine is only awarded to players who lose twenty matches back to back within the online portion of the game.
Now, this technically isn't a mission in the traditional sense, but is a mission for those looking to 100% the title, meaning that at some point they will have to load up the game, head online, and be thoroughly trounced over and over and over again.
Fighting games are about skill and timing, but here this is throwing everything out the window and asking "how much humiliation will you suffer through for an achievement?" As it turns out thanks to the surprisingly high numbers of players who have this title, the answer was "a lot".