8 Most Underrated Video Games Of 2021 (So Far)

6. Scott Pilgrim Vs The World: Complete Edition

Outriders Game

I've tried to keep remasters and re-releases limited this year, but Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World: Complete Edition is a special case. That's because, rather than just a handy little re-release for people who no longer own an Xbox 360 or PS3, this launch actually saved the brawler from obscurity entirely.

Due to licensing issues, the title was pulled from storefronts previously, remaining unaccessible for years as players and fans badgered publisher Ubisoft to bring it back. Fortunately, their prayers were eventually answered and now this excellent and underrated side scroller can finally be picked up with ease.

In what's fitting of a game that became an obscure cult classic based on a beloved movie that sadly was a box-office bob-omb, Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World: Complete Edition similarly dropped to only the joy of the hardcore fans, with everyone else probably not even realising it came out at all.

That's such a shame though, because this is easily the best version of the beat-em-up you can get. A loving ode to the 8-bit days of yore, Ubisoft's title has a whole host of personality, from the colourful sprites to the brilliantly translated music.

Any Scott Pilgrim fan owes it to themselves to try it out - and hey, why not get it just in time for the movie's delayed 10-year anniversary celebrations?

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PS5 Outriders
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Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3