8 Next-Level Video Game Plot Twists That Changed EVERYTHING

7. Now It's A Metroidvania - The Messenger

The Messenger
Sabotage Studio

Not all memorable twists are narrative-based. Sometimes a developer comes out of nowhere with an idea so badass, you wish way more teams would implement it.

Essentially a playable version of Halo: Anniversary Edition's one-button toggle between original graphics and newer renders, The Messenger's mid-point shift brings in a whole other graphics style.

Representing the titular Messenger going back and forth through time, everything from world detail to the soundtrack changes on queue, shifting from 8-Bit to 16-Bit graphics and back again as various puzzles frame themselves around the mechanic.

Even better, the game's entire genre switches. What was once a left-to-right platformer is now an open-world Metroidvania. You're suddenly revisiting older levels with newer perspectives and abilities, gathering up a slew of items for a final battle.

As a game mechanic though - literally making time travel a meta-textual element that connects with so many of us who grew up with games - it's pretty incredible.

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