8 Notions That Help To Explain BioShock Infinite's Ending

6. The Lutece Twins Are The Same Person

I must admit, the Lutece twins were a mystery to me through my whole first playthrough. However, upon completing it again, it has become clear how their involvement is quite possibly one of the most important in the game's events. Both are the same person, just from different realities. Rosalind is from Comstock's reality and was the physicist who discovered the secret that makes Columbia float. When it became clear that tearing was a possibility, Rosalind discovered her 'brother' Robert, who is just a male version of her in Booker's reality. Once they had mastered the tear technology and Comstock had them retrieve Anna from Booker, the two joined up in the same reality. However, there was trouble in this multidimensional paradise. Comstock became increasingly paranoid that people would begin to find out that Elizabeth was not his. This is why Lady Comstock met her end. She had become increasingly jealous that she could not bear the child of the sterile Comstock and hated Elizabeth as she was not hers, assuming it to be the child of Rosalind Lutece. This made Comstock nervous, so he had his wife killed off and the blame falsely placed upon Daisy Fitzroy.(A nice irony that had Comstock create the Vox Populi) Comstock became anxious that the Lutece twins would talk too and it is revealed that Comstock had a try on their lives. This caused the twins to turn to Booker as a way of safety and putting things right. Worried about the safety of themselves and the world, as justified by the visions and reality of Elizabeth destroying New York, they brought Booker into Comstock's reality to stop him from ever existing thus stopping Columbia from ever existing.

Patrick Dane is someone who spends too much of his time looking at screens. Usually can be seen pretending he works as a film and game blogger, short film director, PA, 1st AD and scriptwriter. Known to frequent London screening rooms, expensive hotels, couches, Costa coffee and his bedroom. If found, could you please return to the internet.