7. How Does Elizabeth Have The Ability To Make Tears?
As previously established, Booker and Comstock are the same person who followed diffrenet paths but how does Elizabeth fit into all this? And how can she rip tears between each reality? For that, it is important to illustrate a point I think many might have missed. Booker and Comstock are exactly the same age. Comstock has become old, but most importantly sterile due to experimentation with the Lutuce twins. Comstock has become bent on the need for a heir to take over Columbia when he finally passes on. To achieve this, Comstock must go to a reality where he was never sterile and was able to have a child. This is where Booker comes in. With help from the Lutece twins, Comstock goes into Booker's reality and offers Booker a deal. He says that he will wipe away his amassed gambling debt in exchange for his daughter Anna. As Elizabeth states at the end of the game, this is one of the constants of each reality. Booker always gives Comstock the child. Although, another constant always has Booker trying to stop Comstock taking his child through the portal back into his own reality. During this scuffle, Comstock escapes with the child but not before the portal closes, severing the tip of Elizabeth's pinkie finger (once there, we presume Comstock changed her name to Elizabeth). This is what gives Elizabeth her powers. In a voxophone on Monument Island, Rosalind Letuce explains that, "It would seem the universe does not like its peas mixed with its porridge
". Because Elizabeth's finger tip exists in one reality and her body in another, she partially exists in two realities, thus giving her the ability to not be contained to one and able to make tears.