8 NPCs Who Obliterate You If You Annoy Them Too Much
7. Charon - Hades

Stealing from someone is a sure-fire way to piss them off, and that's no truer in video games than it is in real life. And so, case in point, we have Charon in Hades.
If you visit the ferryman-slash-shopkeeper and see his floating bag behind him, the game will offer you a prompt to "borrow" +300 gold.
Select the prompt and Zagreus will swiftly celebrate his free money, only for a record scratch to swiftly signify that you've just committed a major faux pas.
At this moment, the Stygian boatman will teleport the pair of you to an arena where you'll be forced to take part in a secret boss battle against him.
And unsurprisingly, Charon is one of the hardest bosses in the game, sure to make short work of most everyone who attempts to topple him on a first attempt.