8 Overpowered Video Game Spells (That Totally SUCK)

5. Blind - The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind

eternal darkness

As an older player it was always funny to me seeing the reaction that Skyrim received upon its initial release.

"Oh my god this skill is broken, this weapon is broken, this spell is broken"

And it was so particularly funny because these phrases actually are the broken record of Elder Scroll games as let me tell you a little secret, they're all cobbled together with duct tape and dreams my friend. Every single game in this franchise can be cracked open like a coconut with barely any effort and the results range from hilarious to utterly infuriating.

Now if we're being honest there are a lot of issues with Morrowind's magic system especially when potions come into play. With the right concoction of slurpy go-go soup you'll be able to fly above the land with ease or zip along the floor at breakneck speed, or just unleash an entire torrent of fireballs that literally no enemy can stand up to.

Which makes it all the more hilarious when you come across a spell that even with all the right tools you simply cannot make work. Enter the Blind spell, which as you might rightly think causes you to lose your sight temporarily, shown to the player by the screen getting darker. However, if you thought this might be useful against enemies to say sneak past them or impede their accuracy, well you'll be eating some "well that sucks" cheesecake as NPCs are not affected by this spell in the slightest.

Ironically we should have seen that coming I guess.


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