8 Overpowered Video Game Starter Weapons That Broke EVERYTHING

4. Gnasher - Gears Of War

Silverballers Hitman
Epic Games/The Coalition

When it comes to picking overpowered weapons from the Gears of War Franchise, things can start to feel a little like that scene in The Matrix where all the gun racks just appear out of the nether, because in the right hands each and every one of these man mulchers is capable of ruining the day of your enemies.

From the Hammer of Dawn laser pointer of death, to the horrendous Torque Bow, you have so many ways to eviscerate your opponents, but you know what? Why even bother with these later game weapons when your starting equipment is so God-like?!

For starters, the Lancer, while doing piddly amounts of bullet damage in the long run, does come with the small addition of a !*$% chainsaw attached to it, which most definitely helps in a pinch, but the Gnasher is the real star of the show.

And if you're wondering why this horror show of a shotgun got the name Gnasher, you need only look at the teeth that were ground into dust upon being killed with a weapon that had the stopping power of a freight train, an offensive range, and enough of a spread to clip enemies no matter where they were.

Also if you're the one pulling the trigger, wracking up the body count is sure to make you laugh like Gnasher from the Dennis The Menace Cartoons.

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