8 Pieces Of DLC That Totally Screwed Gamers

3. Downloadable Cars - Forza 5

The Forza Motorsport series has incorporated that most hated of DLC, micro-transactions, for a while now. The fourth instalment of the series let gamers purchase additional cars in two ways. Either by using in-game credits or through tokens bought from the Xbox Live Marketplace. The latest release followed roughly the same model but had some important differences. Rather than the rather small cost in Forza 4, cars in the sequel ranged anywhere from £7.50 to £30. When single cars are costing almost as much as the title itself it is clear to see that there is a major problem. In a game that is all about enjoying elite high performance cars, Turn 10 were essentially pricing people out of being able to drive them - much like in real life. Other problems helped to compound the high price of cars. Unlike in previous games, Forza 5 did not allow cars to be unlocked through level progression. The rate at which credits could be earned was also reduced. This meant that you were much more limited in your ability to unlock the most expensive cars through normal gameplay. The developer eventually responded to the criticisms. In December they announced that prices would be slashed by more 45% and the rate at which players accumulated credits would be increased dramatically.

A sport, gaming and fiction enthusiast, I particularly enjoy Formula 1, rugby, tennis, athletics and football.