8 Pieces Of DLC That Totally Screwed Gamers

4. Extra Lives - Sonic: Lost World

This 2013 entry in the Sonic series saw a release on the Wii U. As a collaboration with Nintendo, it has already seen a free Yoshi Island Zone DLC pack and is set to receive a Legend of Zelda themed pack in the near future. The free packs, as you might have guessed, are not the problem. Like many games in recent times, Lost World had a number of pre-order bonuses. These differed depending on the store that was selling it. The most controversial was the Amazon extra that gave 25 additional lives. Advertised as a safety net for risk taking players, the DLC significantly affects the gameplay design of the title. How many lives you get and how you get to try again after dying are integral elements of platformers, of course. Some punish you for mistakes by severely limiting your lives (Super Mario Bros.), while others give unlimited lives but increase the difficulty of the levels to compensate (Super Meat Boy). Here, the impression is being made that they have made the game harder so that you have to buy more lives in the same way that arcade units used to so that you would put more money in. However, this is a full priced title that obviously shouldn€™t have anything like involved. Even if the game wasn€™t made intentionally harder, it still has a large effect on the core design by changing the way in which you are challenged.

A sport, gaming and fiction enthusiast, I particularly enjoy Formula 1, rugby, tennis, athletics and football.