8 Pokémon That Are Way Bigger Than You Think

3. Furret

Pokemon hulk arbok

In every region there is a Normal type available early in the game that no trainer ever likes or uses, unless forced to under the Nuzlocke rules. These are Rattata, Sentret, Zigzagoon, Bidoof, Patrat, Bunnelby, and Yungoos. These are put in the same category as each other because they are so unpopular and weak.

By far Sentret is the tallest of these Pokémon, measuring at 2'7", with Patrat and Bidoof the next tallest at 1'8". This trend continues even after evolution. Any trainer would be forgiven for underestimating the size of a Furret, since it is a creature based on a ferret, but at 5'11", it towers above the rest.

Believe it or not, even Deoxys does not match the surprising size of Furret. Imagine venturing past the stars, catching a Mythical Pokémon from space, only to get back to Earth and realise it is no bigger than the second Pokémon you caught since leaving home.

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This standard nerd combines the looks of Shaggy with the brains of Scooby, has an unhealthy obsession with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and is a firm believer that Alter Bridge are the greatest band in the world.