8 Pokémon That Are Way Bigger Than You Think

2. Dratini

Pokemon hulk arbok

Upon first glimpse, Dratini looks like a cute, little creature, no taller than any trainer's hips, particularly when compared to the much taller, more photogenic Dragonair, and the clearly much larger Dragonite.

However, Dratini's serpentine body type is incredibly deceiving, measuring in the Pokédex at 5'11", which is far taller than it looks, towering above any ten year old starting their Pokémon journey. This little baby is actually taller than both Charizard and Blastoise, when at full stretch of course.

Not only is Dratini bigger than you'd think, but so is Dragonair. At 13'2", Dratini's second form is almost three times as long after evolution, at which point only a handful of Pokémon are bigger, most of which are Legendary or Mega Evolutions. Incredibly, Dragonair is also actually taller than Dragonite. At level 55 when the latter becomes the former, it loses 6' of height, though it does pack on over 400lbs in the process.

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This standard nerd combines the looks of Shaggy with the brains of Scooby, has an unhealthy obsession with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and is a firm believer that Alter Bridge are the greatest band in the world.