8 Popular Video Game Mechanics That Suddenly Disappeared

4. Pick Ten

Shadow Of Mordor Nemesis

Back in 2012, Call of Duty: Black Ops II made a serious change to the hit FPS franchise's class system with its Pick Ten mechanic. 

When creating a custom build, characters were given 10 slots with which to fill guns, perks, and grenades as they saw fit.

The ability to balance and modulate your build, perhaps slotting in more perks than weapon attachments for instance, made it instantly popular with fans, and ensured it returned for three subsequent Call of Duty games - 2015's Black Ops III, 2016's Infinite Warfare, and 2018's Black Ops 4.

But in the six years since, Pick Ten has been entirely absent from the series, effectively being replaced with the Gunsmith customisation system. 

And while Gunsmith isn't bad by any means, it lacks the tight balancing and fun strategic element of Pick Ten, where players need to make tricky choices to bolster their loadout.

Frustratingly, last year's Modern Warfare 3 was reportedly planning to bring Pick Ten back, but developer Infinity Ward ended up scrapping it. 

Sadly with Gunsmith so firmly established now, it seems unlikely we'll see Pick Ten again, but what's stopping other shooters from implementing a similar system? Make it happen.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.