8 Powerful Video Game Enemies That Became Weak Playable Characters

4. Kaldea Orchid - The Bouncer

metal gear rising

Now I will always have a soft spot in my heart for The Bouncer, although to be perfectly frank maybe that should be a soft spot in my brain because all cards on the table it's not a great game by any stretch of the imagination.

Still, it's fun, it's over the top and the announcer sounds like he's having the time of his life reading out some of the character's names.

However one aspect that's stuck in my craw ever since the game's release concerns Kaldea Orchid, a foe turned unlockable friend once the cast beat the ever-loving piss out of here. Now, Kaldea here has one of the most unique abilities in the entire game, in that instead of being a master of some form of martial art, she can turn into a bloody panther.

HOWEVER, before the furries in the back yif themselves dry, there are a few huge drawbacks to fighting as Kaldea that her AI counterpart never even hinted at. For a start, she can't bloody block when in Panther form, which as you might have guessed is kind of a huge drawback in a fighting game.

Even worse is that when in human form her attacks are slow and easily countered meaning that you're basically forced to stay in the powerful but defensively bereft animal form.

It's a character that's amazing on paper, and is no slouch when she's paired with Duragon C. Makado in her boss fights, but alone she's more kitten than fierce feline.


Jules Gill hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.