8 Powerful Video Game Enemies That Became Weak Playable Characters

3. Ulkair - Dawn Of War: Retribution

metal gear rising

Out of all of the Avatars of the Chaos Gods, the Great Unclean One is most surely the most horrifyingly disgusting.

A giant, bloated, rotting mass of disease, this manifestation of Nurgle's rot drags its mass across the battlefield ushering in death and decay to any who even breathes the fetid air around it.

Long story short, this bad boy could use more than a few Lynx body spray kits from his nan at Xmas to deal with his cheesy flaps.

And of these horrible creatures, Ulkair from the Dawn Of War franchise is most definitely one of the most powerful, proving to be a massive blister on the player's ass across the course of Dawn of War: Chaos Rising and will likely dole out a rather stinky beat down or two to anyone standing in his way.

Therefore excitement levels were raised immeasurably when it was announced that the subsequent expansion Dawn of War: Retribution was going to let you play as this mound of rotting flesh! By freeing Ulkair from his prison this GUC will show up to battle by your side, except instead of being an unstoppable monster, here Ulkair feels little more than a common cold than a full-on plague outbreak sporting much lower stats and next to zero abilities.

I wanted to crush the Imperium with my rotten mass, but here Ulkair just stinks up the place in a different manner.


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