8 Premier League Teams As Video Games

5. Manchester United - Call Of Duty

Call Of Duty Man Utd
Activision/Manchester United

Bit of an easy one this really, wasn’t it?

Yes, we’re sure there are some hardcore United fans out there who follow the Reds away against Plymouth in the League Cup, just as there are some hardcore gamers who love grinding out the highest possible K/D ratio in CoD.

Let’s be honest though. One thing both team and game have in common is casuals. Favourite game? Call of Duty. Favourite team? Man Utd. Favourite flavour crisps? Ready salted. Just a bit bland, isn’t it?

Yeah, yeah, both United and Call of Duty are actually pretty good when they want to be and they both tend to win a lot of fans, trophies and acclaim, but it must get boring being so popular, right? Right, guys?


Self appointed queen of the SJWs. Find me on Twitter @FiveTacey (The 5 looks like an S. Do you get it? Do you get my joke about the 5?)