8 Reasons PS4 Owners Are Jealous Of The Xbox One

4. Backwards Compatibility FOR FREE

"Oh, you'd like to play your old games? The ones that are sitting right in front of you, that you already spent money on? That'll be $20 a month"

So appears to be Sony's message to their legions of fans that've stuck by the console for what's now in its fourth generation. I've still got a mix of physical PS1, 2 and 3 games sitting both on my shelves and on my drop-down list on the PS3, and I'll be damned if I'm going to pay to stream what I already own across a new service that's laggy and of a generally lower quality.

The latest generation of hardware should never have done away with backwards compatibility in the first place, and you could tell first from the rapturous response when Microsoft announced it was returning and the sheer amount of requests people are still submitting, that it's a deciding factor in whether to buy one an Xbox One over a PS4.

Nathan Drake Collection for $50, anyone?

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