8 Reasons PS4 Owners Are Jealous Of The Xbox One

5. They Actually Have A System-Selling Game

Can you name an exclusive game on PS4 that's worth making the leap to next-gen to play? Bloodborne remains an incredibly solid experience, but it offers nothing you can't get through Dark Souls II: Scholar of the First Sin or even Lords of the Fallen - especially when it comes to replay value.

Halo 5 is Microsoft's baby, one title in a sea of identity-less fodder that not only has Master Chief heading up its marketing materials (one of the only industry-specific heroes left, it seems), but also plays like a genuine step forward for the series.

Down-sights aiming, mid-air boosting, ground pounds, shoulder-barges and floor slides take on Destiny and COD's new futuristic direction at their own game, re-establishing Halo as the premiere shooter franchise for both Xbox fans, and the industry overall.

By comparison, the PS4 has... well, remember the playable cutscene that was The Order: 1886? Exactly.

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