8 Reasons Spider-Man PS4 Is Already The Best Spider-Man Game Ever

5. New York Has More Life To It Than Ever Before

Spider-Man PS4 Balcony

In an effort to make this open world one worth exploring - and in recapturing the essence of those earlier Spider-Man games - Insomniac's title looks set to make an invaluable contribution to the genre.

Open world games are all the rage right now, and while the genre might fit certain properties more than it does others, it's equally true that three of Spider-Man's most lauded releases all sported an explorable New York - at least in some form. Spider-Man 2 kicked things off in 2004 before Ultimate Spider-Man did the same in a cel-shaded tinge, and Web of Shadows blended those two versions together in 2008.

They represent the very best of the wall-crawler's modern day forays into the medium, but they look set to be made obsolete by the latest. This New York has interiors, actual rooftops and genuine variations in NYC's buildings. There are proper landmarks, all with character, and with the requisite tech available to create a truly dynamic environment, the PS4 exclusive more than justifies its open world.

Content Producer/Presenter
Content Producer/Presenter

Resident movie guy at WhatCulture who used to be Comics Editor. Thinks John Carpenter is the best. Likes Hellboy a lot. Can usually be found talking about Dad Movies on his Twitter at @EwanRuinsThings.