8 Reasons Why Video Games Are Art

4. Character Studies

A staple of some modern games is the ability to dissect character motivations and actions, thereby providing another link to other vested media forms where such discussions usually take place. One of the most controversial topics this very minute is that around the actions of GTA V€™s Trevor; is he an unredeemable psychopath, or a horrifically misguided soul searching for companionship? Is what happens in the last few minutes of The Last of Us justifiable considering that game's context and character progression? These are fascinating discussions that must rely on some of the most fleshed out titles to do justice, as although you could question Sonic€™s fascination with glowing rings back in the 90€™s, games have come so much further than just bleeps and bloops these days, to actually instil genuine emotional reaction within the player is evidence of their evolution.
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