8 Reasons Why I Left My Heart With Rock Band

2. Bringing Friends Together

If there was one true goal behind Rock Band I would argue that it was simply to bring friends together, and of course for the publisher to make oodles of money. This is a business remember? While Rock Band's time has without a doubt come and gone, it will be remembered by many as a great time in their life. It might also be remembered as a horrible time of untalented fools playing plastic instruments, but to each their own. Rock Band's intentions were good, and it definitely provided many groups of friends with hours of entertainment. Surely, sometime in the future, groups of friends will get together again and dust off the old instruments buried underneath forget. As they dust off the plastic accessories it will bring back a world of nostalgia, and hopefully spend one more time completely losing track of time.

I love to write. You love to read. This is going to be a beautiful friendship.