8 Reasons Why I Left My Heart With Rock Band

1. It's Fun

Pure and simple. I'm sorry if you're one of those people who are on their musical high horse, and can't see the truth that Rock Band is just a video game. Most human beings playing Rock Band have probably long let go of the idea that they'll be able to become musicians. If you can't understand that it's meant as a party game, and as a way to let go and have fun well, I feel kind of bad for you. I knew a wide range of people that were extremely talented musicians, and still managed to have fun with a plastic instrument. You missed out on a great time, and a wonderful opportunity at watching people make fools of themselves...all for the sake of their imaginary band. Stupid? Perhaps, but I'm sure there are a wide range of people who would agree with me that it can be an awesome time. Rock Band, you were a great time in my life. You made me laugh. You made me cry...well, maybe not me, but definitely Steve. You taught me that I don't have to run through the paces with a fake instrument in my hand, and that an ounce of showmanship does wonders for the bands morale. No matter how many trade-ins you go through or dumpsters you find yourself in, I hope you are well. I can still hear the faint echo of that final vocal solo, and that beautiful Big Rock Ending setting us off into the sunset of Rock. What are your thoughts on Rock Band? Did you have any great memories playing with friends, or did you gather the plastic instruments into a pile and burn them in order to appease the Rock Gods? Let us know in the comments below!

I love to write. You love to read. This is going to be a beautiful friendship.