8 Secret Video Game Bosses You Must NEVER Find

5. Wozma - Duke Nukem: Manhattan Project

duke nukem manhattan projectq

Duke Nukem has had one crazy ride across his career, hitting the ground running with several brilliantly designed FPS games, all the way through to the disasterpiece that was Duke Nukem Forever. And somewhere in the middle is Duke Nukem: Manhattan Project that will immediately look strange to fans of the series because it completely ditched the first person design in favour of linear 3D platforming.

Opinion is divided on whether the game is any good seeing as it does some things, like the action and the ability to take different paths through levels which promoted replayability, really well, but other things feel stale like the dialogue and odd camera angle choices.

Still, if you find yourself inspired to play through this title and then fancy a tougher challenge, you can take on Wozma, a boss that has about ten times the health of the others, lobs explosives constantly, and will take you OVER HALF AN HOUR to defeat.

You can only reach this boss by beating the game on hard, gathering all the collectibles and then pressing a directional button when prompted, just before the final boss of the game.

And what do you get for all of this punishment? Your save icon is updated with a new graphic. Brilliant.

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