8 Secret Video Game Bosses You Must NEVER Find

4. Four Bosses At Once - Spider-Man 2

spider man 2 ps2

If you're going to be a superhero, you're going to have to come to terms with tackling multiple enemies at once, and for supes like Batman and Spider-man, you're going to need to develop a fighting style that allows you to take on all comers and look good doing it.

However, there is a massive difference between taking on a horde of goons and taking on FOUR BOSSES at once, which is unfortunately the scenario that Spider-Man is faced with in Spider-Man 2.

Thanks to the "Fight Arena" mode that is unlocked after completing the main game, you will have the option to battle your way through wave after wave of enemies to prove you're the best, and in this example least friendly neighbourhood Spider-Man. After slogging some noggins you'll finally reach the climax of this mode, and be met with a truly terrifying spectacle as you now need to best Rhino, Shocker, Doc Ock AND Calypso. The latter doesn't even appear in the main game, and is therefore a hidden boss too.

Taking on one of these bosses can prove to be a struggle, but multiplying that by FOUR borders on the insane, as now you're having to juggle different battle styles, look for different openings and learn Calypso's moves, which you won't be 100 percent familiar with all at once.

It's an experience that will make you feel like a true super hero if you manage to beat, but don't be surprised if they squash you like a bug many times over before this happens.

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