8 Secret Video Game Cutscenes That Change EVERYTHING

6. Eden Club – Detroit Become Human

Detroit Become Human
Quantic Dream

This mission sees the player take control of android detective, Connor.

Connor and his partner, Lieutenant Hank Anderson, have been tasked with investigating a spate of attacks involving androids which have gone rogue – referred to as "deviants" in-game.

The investigation in question, takes our dynamic misfits to a murder at the ‘Eden Sex Club’.

Upon hunting down the deviant, one of the scenarios the player can experience involves a mystery woman running toward Connor and Hank, with two options presented as “Shoot” or “Spare”.

Shooting is the best idea, right? I mean I have to protect my partner and I’m designed to catch deviants, right?


If the player chooses to shoot the mystery woman, a second lady cries out, exclaiming they'd secretly been lovers. She also reveals they have been abused for years, and the murder you're investigating had been an act of self-defence.

Upon finishing her speech, she rushes to Connor, using his gun to end her life.

Hank sees the scene unfold and reacts with disgust, making it impossible to regain his trust and jeopardising all future investigations - not to mention the sheer weight of what happens from Connor's perspective.


Darren Morgan hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.