8 Secret Video Game Cutscenes That Change EVERYTHING

4. Childhood's Beginning – Bloodborne

Bloodborne Moon Presence

“A hunter is a hunter even in a dream", Micolash, Host of the Nightmare

The player is left to piece together the story of Bloodborne from the descriptions of old forgotten relics. It is no surprise then, that very few will experience this secret ending without seeking some outward guidance.

In order to unlock this cutscene, the player must find AND consume three of a possible four parts of an Umbilical cord found throughout the world. This is made especially difficult as most of them are in secret areas themselves. If all of this is done before the supposed final fight of the game, the player will unlock the secret cutscene.

Unlike the previous two endings, which sees the hunter consumed by a monster from the sky, the player is surrounded by a heavenly light which makes the tentacled beast recoil. The fight against the beast – The Moon Presence, then begins.

Upon slaying it, a final cutscene will play, showing a slug-like creature on the ground, which is then identified to be yourself, reborn as a god... that happens to look like a slug. This one must be seen to be believed.

bloodborne ending

Darren Morgan hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.