8 Secret Video Game Endings That Made You Say 'WHAT?!'

3. Tea Party For The Gods - Hades

Shenmue 3
Supergiant Games

Hades as a video game is so very easy to fall in love with. Not only is it utterly stunning, but its addictive gameplay loop is so perfectly balanced that it's no wonder people were more than ready to complete the game over and over in order to unlock its secret ending.

But the best part? It's that this "secret ending" isn't the only one! While many assume that doing ten runs in order to unlock the full backstory of the Gods is the be-all and end-all, there's actually a hidden epilogue of content that requires you to complete the story dozens more times.

You'll know you're on the right path when you meet Persephone and she has a quest marker above her head, as this will trigger the final "mission" which sees you delivering what is in essence an invitation to a tea party for all the Gods.

Weird, right?

Well, things get even weirder as at the party, Persephone reveals the truth to the guests. That she is both alive and the mother of Zagreus, to which they respond well, leading to a rather iconic shot of Hades and Zeus shaking hands and wishing each other the best.

It's a truly wonderful moment, and well worth the effort to get there, but upon taking a step back and realizing you spent quite possibly hundreds of hours organizing a glorified tea party, it's sure to make you say "what?" in a rather humorous fashion.

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