8 Secret Video Game Endings That Made You Say 'WHAT?!'

2. Drink Beer, Eat Rats - Mortal Shell

Shenmue 3
Cold Symmetry

Ahhh, Mortal Shell. One of the few Dark Souls clones that actually stands far enough apart from its inspirations that you can really appreciate its nuances.

When you're in the thick of combat, smashing the marble off meaty enemies and then hardening in an instant to tank a blow, you really start to see what Mortal Shell is all about. Perseverance, Determination, and of course a hell of a lot of swinging those mighty weapons.

But what if all of this sounds a little bit like too much effort? Well, luckily developer Cold Symmetry has you covered, because they actually programmed in a secret ending that is both genuinely shocking and also surprisingly chill!

Once the player locates BagHead the brigand, you'll be able to engage in a special dialogue with him if you're carrying a roasted rat and carrying some Superior Moonshine. He'll ask if he can have both items and then offer you to join him in the life of being a Brigand, singing songs, eating rats, and drinking until the world ends, to which you can say yes!

This will then cut to the pair of you, chilling out and revelling long into the night as images of the world around you crumbling under the weight of ghouls and other nasty creatures play alongside the credits. It's a brilliant and twisted moment of respite sure to leave your jaw on the floor.

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