8 Secret Video Game Endings You Didn’t Know Exist

5. Ethan Hangs Himself - Heavy Rain

Heavy Rain
Quantic Dream

Quantic Dream's interactive movie Heavy Rain has a number of potential endings, but this one is tough to find since it only occurs if you play the game wrong throughout.

Three of the conclusions are needlessly depressing and involve protagonist Ethan killing himself, and on this particular occasion his suicide method is hanging. Why exactly do you want to see this, again?

The 'Helpless' ending only happens if Ethan is arrested multiple times and none of the characters manage to locate Shaun. If these conditions are met, the Origami Killer murders Shaun and escapes, leaving Ethan to take the rap for his crimes, ultimately seeing the tormented father hang himself from the prison cell roof.

Helpless is a conclusion you may have missed, as it will only occur if you put both characters you're supposed to protect in harm's way.

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Heavy Rain
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