8 Seriously Impressive Ways People Have Completed Popular Video Games

6. Playing Three Games At Once - Mega Man X, X2 & X3

Mega Man is a notorious game for being exceptionally hard. It's one of the old classics that stands testament to the difficulty of older games and is loved because of it. So when someone says they are going to try and play one of them it's quite a feat. Yet three at once, with the button inputs mapped to all three games? That's near insanity.

But YouTuber, f agwawa thought not, and managed to speedrun Megaman X, Megaman X2 and Megaman X3 simultaneously, completing each game to one-hundred percent and doing it all in 43:51, coming pretty close to the world record for speedrunning just a couple of the games.

Managing to beat a Megaman game in less than an hour is a feat enough, but managing to do so under the conditions above is something else entirely. Watching the level of knowledge being played out is unbelievable, as everything is so perfectly inputted with one mistake trickling down into the other two games. It's absurd, but wholly impressive!

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Dark Souls 3
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I like video games, writing and writing about video games. Expect sarcasm and the dry wit of a Brit. And the occasional rant of a unhappy Scot. You know... the usual.