8 Seriously Impressive Ways People Have Completed Popular Video Games

4. Guitar Controller - Dark Souls

Dark Souls is a notoriously difficult game and is probably the hardest in the series. So much so that more often than not, people end up giving up and don't even bother to finish. Most normal folk die hundreds of times before finally crawling over the finish line. Most of us think it's hard enough with a normal controller. And then there's the guy who decided that wasn't difficult enough.

YouTuber gbbearzly decided that whilst a normal controller was alright, a Rock Band controller was even better. Learning the inputs is like learning an entirely new game and actually managing to beat the game is even better. It's far harder to manoeuvre the character using the Rock Band controller as well, considering the spacing between buttons and the obtuse layout of the controller. Makes you think that maybe it wasn't designed for Dark Souls!

Frankly, this entire list could be populated by Dark Souls bizarre challenge runs, with the aforementioned gbbearzly filling half the points himself. Having completed the game using voice commands, Rock Band drums, Piano and a dance mat, the impressive ways he's completed Dark Souls could make their own list.

Still, it's not as hard as doing it with a keyboard and mouse...

In this post: 
Dark Souls 3
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I like video games, writing and writing about video games. Expect sarcasm and the dry wit of a Brit. And the occasional rant of a unhappy Scot. You know... the usual.