8 Seriously Impressive Ways People Have Completed Popular Video Games

3. Three Games, Three Speedruns - Ocarina Of Time, Mario 64 & Goldeneye

Speedruns are almost universally impressive. Seeing someone complete a game that took you days in under half an hour is massively entertaining. And watching the ways in which people manage to amp up the difficulty with different modifiers and restrictions just makes it all the more interesting. Take for example the guy who speedran three games in less than an hour all at once.

Whilst he hasn't taken the step that the Mega Man guy did and mapped all the inputs to one controller, he still plays them all simultaneously, jumping back and forth between each one. The level of skill to master three different games, three different control schemes and then jump between them without any difficulty is immense.

Sure it would be impressive to see him do it with one controller, but doing it all in less than an hour is crazy, considering how he almost world records all three. It all just reminds us normal gamers how inadequate at gaming we are when we take a month to crawl through a game that someone glitches and does in one minute.

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Dark Souls 3
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I like video games, writing and writing about video games. Expect sarcasm and the dry wit of a Brit. And the occasional rant of a unhappy Scot. You know... the usual.