8 Seriously Impressive Ways People Have Completed Popular Video Games

2. Bananas... Literally Bananas - Dark Souls 3

The best of us struggle to play Dark Souls 3 normally, but one guy decided that maybe it isn't hard enough. Using a bunch of bananas, he wired them up to act as button inputs when pressed. Yeah, a man beat Dark Souls 3 using bananas as a controller.

Watching the video play out can be as baffling as it is incomprehensible. It's hard to wonder just what drove a man to think that bananas were the next step in Dark Souls challenge runs. And quite possibly, the most infuriating part about it is the fact that he only died sixty-two times. That's less than the average player's death count and he used bananas!

Videos like these are always impressive, but always make you feel that bit inadequate. It can be frustrating when someone beats a really challenging area in a game using a bizarre method when you could barely do it normally. Thus, watching someone use bananas to beat one of the hardest recent games makes you feel a little embarrassed that you struggled so much with a normal controller.

It's impressive nonetheless, if a little emasculating.

In this post: 
Dark Souls 3
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I like video games, writing and writing about video games. Expect sarcasm and the dry wit of a Brit. And the occasional rant of a unhappy Scot. You know... the usual.