8 Shocking Video Game Moments When You Realised You Were The Bad Guy

7. Prototype

Prototype game

Narrative wasn't the main reason people flocked to Prototype back in 2009, but the game did tell a surprisingly gripping story about a plague turning an entire city into monsters. It's pulpy as all hell, right down to the fact that the player character, Alex Mercer, begins the game with amnesia and a whole load of random mutant powers.

You spend the next ten hours decimating creatures on the streets of New York and attempting to get to the bottom of who unleashed this bio-weapon and why. Who could have been so devious to damn thousands and thousands of innocents, though? Well, it turns out that it was you, done before being gunned down at the start of the title.

Although you've spent the whole game trying to figure out the origin of your powers and contain the threat, you end up finding out it was your own fault to begin with. Oops.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3