8 Shocking Video Game Moments When You Realised You Were The Bad Guy

6. Silent Hill 2

Mary - Silent Hill 2

While Resident Evil always boasted the spectacle and the gameplay, Silent Hill was the survival horror series with the best stories. Moving away from the pulpy, action influences most releases in the genre gravitated towards, the second game in Konami's franchise told a rather low-key tale, following James as he's lured to the titular town after receiving a letter from his dead wife, Mary.

Whether or not Mary is alive - and her connection to Silent Hill in the first place - becomes the game's central mystery, with James battling one nightmarish monster after another to get to the bottom of it. However, later it's revealed that it was James himself who killed his ill wife in order to stop her suffering, an act which he repressed immediately after.

Unfortunately for him, Silent Hill gets its kicks on delving into the repressed psyches of its victims, and uses this guilt to bring his biggest worries to life in the form of stabby monsters.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3