8 Stealth Video Games Where Stealth SUCKS

4. Alien: Isolation

Hitman Absolution Enemy Detection

A possibly very controversial pick now, but for as great as Alien: Isolation so often is, that's generally in spite of how intensely its stealth gameplay seems designed to piss the player off rather than scare them.

Sure, there are absolutely tense and terrifying moments throughout - especially earlier on - but after a time it becomes clear that the Xenomorph is basically tethered to the player's position no matter where they are. And so, you'll spent inordinate amounts of time just sitting around waiting for the creature to leave the area, giving you a few scant minutes of peace in which you can only hope you'll be able to reach the next save point.

The infrequent placement of saves also means you're in for a world of trial-and-error which, in a game that can easily last upwards of 15 hours, makes for a draining, demoralising experience in the worst way.

Things can be improved somewhat by a mod which alters the Xenomorph's behaviour to be less frustrating, but even so, the great core idea of this game gets lost amid the more blatantly "gamey" aspects of its stealth mechanics.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.