8 Stressful Video Games That Make You Sweat

6. Dishonored

dishonored game

Some games are better on PC because of the increased quality you generally get with PC ports, and some are better because the PC port has a quicksave/quickload button and you can't imagine playing this game without that safety net. Enter Dishonored.

Unlike other games with a moral choice system, Dishonored doesn't limit your morality to a set of certain choices made in key moments throughout the story, instead weighing literally every decision you make on a grand moral scale to see if you leave the already teetering city of Dunwall better or worse off for your presence.

So as you can imagine, this first person stealth game can be pretty damn stressful to play, when getting caught even once can throw a carefully devised plan into utter chaos. Guards have little to not pattern, are very keen eyed when it comes to noticing Corvo's handiwork, and are incredibly hard to shake off when you do get caught. Oh, and every one you murder brings you one step closer to the bad ending.

No surprise that people prefer Dishonored on PC. Quicksave is your friend.

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John Tibbetts is a novelist in theory, a Whatculture contributor in practice, and a nerd all around who loves talking about movies, TV, anime, and video games more than he loves breathing. Which might be a problem in the long term, but eh, who can think that far ahead?