8 Surprising Video Game Villain Turns You Never Saw Coming

3. Josh - Until Dawn

Until Dawn Josh

Because it's essentially 10 different slasher movies in one, Until Dawn doesn't really have a standard narrative, instead moving from one story thread to the next pretty rapidly. A lot of these are based around Josh, the guy responsible for inviting his friends up to his creepy ski lodge in the first place.

When a killer clown turns up, putting the cast into saw-style traps, he's one of the first to go, sliced in half no matter what you do. While the game gives you the illusion of choice, there's actually no way to save him, but that's because it's revealed hours later that he didn't die at all. Instead, he was the one staging the whole thing, in order to get revenge on his "friends" who played a prank on his sister the previous year which eventually led to her death.

He's revealed to be a little mentally ill as well, scarred by the events of the previous year. He was never trying to kill his friends at all, just scare them. He turns out to be more of a tragic victim than anything else - and it's not his fault Wendigos showed up to roam the woods and pounce on his disoriented friends.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3