8 Terrible Decisions Made In Horror Video Games

5. William Birkin Injecting Himself - Resident Evil

Until Dawn

There have been many, MANY strange decisions made within the Resident Evil Franchise. From Claire and Leon splitting up and ignoring the bolt cutters right next to them in the RE2 Remake, to ANYONE who trusts Wesker (because I mean, LOOK at him), all the way to Chris punching the ever-loving crap out of that boulder.

However, there’s one TERRIBLE decision that takes place in Resident Evil 2 which really can’t be overlooked, and it comes at the hands - or claws - of Dr William Birkin. Birkin was a scientist who worked on the G-Virus, a concoction that was meant to provide the host with regenerative abilities and the usual super soldier guff that mad scientists love, but when he decided to go rogue against the Umbrella corporation and sell this juice to Uncle Sam, they sent a team to gun him down in his lab.

Here’s where the dumb decision comes into play. After being shot and having his supply of the virus stolen, Birkin injects himself with an uncontrolled dose of the G and turns into a monstrosity. He KNEW that such a dose mutated everything it came into contact with, and he also would have know from his experiments that the hosts lose control. Yet he did it anyway, not only dooming himself, but thanks to smashing all the vials of the G and T virus when he caught up to his would be murderers, also infected Racoon city through its sewers. Absolute idiot.

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Until Dawn
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Horror film junkie, burrito connoisseur, and serial cat stroker. WhatCulture's least favourite ginger.