8 Terrible Decisions Made In Horror Video Games

3. Entering The Asylum UNARMED - Outlast

Until Dawn
Red Barrels

Now, this one is pretty self explanatory. As a private investigator, sticking your nose into unpleasant situations on the daily, as well as being faced with the classically spooky set up of a psychiatric institution that’s operating under abnormal circumstances, as well as then arriving to see that the place is half ruined and there’s no security or officials in sight - you’d at the very least take a big stick with you to smack any ill intentioned folk you’re likely to stumble across along the way.

But no. Not Miles Upshur, the big idiot. He thinks he’s fine walking into an asylum full of experimental horrors without even a pea shooter in his pocket. He very easily could have decided to arm himself before going in, but feels that the power of a video camera and hyperventilation is all he needs to fend off the clinically insane.

Riddle me this: how the hell are you going to defend yourself with paper file, Miles? How?! The answer, as you all know, is not at all, as this dumbass gets himself into all sorts of situations that could really easily be solved with a both a pistol and a flashlight. Some private investigator you are.

In this post: 
Until Dawn
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Horror film junkie, burrito connoisseur, and serial cat stroker. WhatCulture's least favourite ginger.