8 Terrible Decisions Made In Horror Video Games

2. Fontaine Ignores Evidence In Front Of His Eyes And Takes All The ADAM - Bioshock

Until Dawn

Rapture is a hell of a place isn’t it? Full of the smartest minds of the time, unbridled by petty morality and unpunished for exploring areas of experimentation that really should be left alone. Their revolutionary breakthrough in the discovery of the sea slug containing ADAM is what led to their brilliant rise and horrific fall, but it seems like few lessons were learned along the way.

Throughout the game, which has many moments of pure terror, you’ll see people who have become twisted by their dependance on ADAM, their very features swollen and mutated with tumor like growths. They are splicers, and they are addicts, locked into this cycle until they die.

Fontaine, on the other hand, is another matter. He is a con man, a smart man; in fact, up until the end of the game he’s never even used ADAM before. Instead, he’d been orchestrating events for years behind the scenes and is only now making his play for Rapture though his ultimate plan. You.

Congratulations Fontaine! You gotta son, in the form of Jack, who kindly does his bidding and ends the reign of Andrew Ryan. However here’s where he lost the plot as Fontaine injects himself with a huge amount of ADAM to become a god. Which is all well and good for all the rush of power you get, but Fontaine had seen what it did to people, he’d seen the downfall of all these great minds and therefore he has to know that looking like a giant metal statue probably isn’t good for the body in the long run.

Still he goes ahead with the plan, and up until you kill him is technically in charge of Rapture. A leaking city, full of drug addicts, which is losing power, oxygen and purpose. Doesn’t seem like a great deal does it?

In this post: 
Until Dawn
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Horror film junkie, burrito connoisseur, and serial cat stroker. WhatCulture's least favourite ginger.