8 Terrible Secret Video Game Weapons That Took Hours To Unlock
Ultima Weapon? More like Ultimate Fail.

A video game character is often only as good as the tools at their disposal. After all, that big evil is going to be a lot easier to take down with that four foot elemental hyper blade than a dingy frying pan, and so it's very common for titles to offer players the chance to upgrade or unlock new weapons to get the job done more efficiently.
These "Ultimate" weapons usually come at a price though, either requiring the player to take down optional superbosses, or spend hours grinding for materials in order to scrape together a recipe for destruction. Of course, it's usually worth all the blood, sweat and tears when the weapon carves the final foe in half like a twig, but there's always the rare exception that these "premium" weapons will make an absolute fool out of you.
This is exactly what these eight entries seek to acheive, making you work your fingers to the bones for hours only to reward you with a weapon or item that's more of a mocking guesture than a mauling gutter +10.
8. Snowboard Kids 2 - Poverty Board

I know this is a bit of a stretch seeing as a snowboarding game doesn't really have WEAPONS per sé, but it is a much leaned upon item for purveyors of the sport, and quite frankly if you've ever been hit in the shins by one of these, Jesus send me to A and E, as I'll be moaning all afternoon.
Throughout the rather stellar Snowboard Kids games, you were able to take your misshapen minor from lofty highs all the way down some ludicrous mountain top tracks, and as you did you'd earn currency to upgrade your board or buy new ones. Some boards however, are only unlocked by finishing courses on Expert difficulty which is no mean feat in itself.
In doing so you'd hope that you'd unlock some truly ace boards right? Well true you can, but the Poverty Board is not one of them, as by riding this average stat slider, you'd LOSE money throughout the race. Every coin you pick up would get sucked into the board meaning you'd nearly always finish the race with nothing to your name. As the stats were middle of the road there was literally no point in using it and it feels like a slap in the face more than anything else.