8 Things Rockstar Games NEED Right Now

1. Different Stories And Genres

Grand Theft Auto V

This might seem a little sacrilegious, given Rockstar are the undisputed kings of third-person, open-world titles, but it would be a welcome change of pace to see them branch out into other genres again.

Rockstar pride themselves on presenting immersive, cinematic titles that draw the player in whilst also giving them the freedom - mostly - to do what they want. It's a recipe for success that has seen GTA rise to the cream of the cop of Triple-A video games, while later twists on the formula to provide a more realistic experience, ala Red Dead 2, have also drawn praise from across the board.

The point is that the studio have found their 'thing', and the thing they've found is a very good thing. But what if they were to try something different? Like, I don't know, telling stories that don't just come from a male perspective, or maybe even trying out other genres like they did with Max Payne 3 (a rare linear outing from the studio), or Table Tennis?

Rockstar are SO talented and they have huge resources at their disposal. I'm absolutely not saying ditch those open-world experiences or anything - I love them too! - but let's try tackling different genres and stories in the future. The less familiar, the better.


Red Dead Redemption Quiz: How Well Do You Know Rockstar's Games?

Red Dead Redemption 2

1. Red Dead Redemption II Is The _________ Game In The Red Dead Series?

Content Producer/Presenter
Content Producer/Presenter

Resident movie guy at WhatCulture who used to be Comics Editor. Thinks John Carpenter is the best. Likes Hellboy a lot. Can usually be found talking about Dad Movies on his Twitter at @EwanRuinsThings.