8 Things Steam OS Needs To Become An Alternative To Windows

3. Virtual Reality Interface

http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=zgP7dei0hzc Even more exciting that the earlier entry is the fact that Valve is working on an actual VR interface for their OS. And the player is going to be able to immerse himself in it via Valve's proprietary version of Oculus Rift. With this tech on our hands, we wouldn't be limited only to playing games in virtual reality, but could also potentially watch movies, browse the Internet and do pretty much whatever we'd like to. All the while being surrounded by the entirety of our media, floating around the local cyberspace. As cyberpunkish as this endeavour might seem at first sight, a surprising amount of big gaming houses seems to think that this is where the future lies. Hopefully we don't end up in the real-world equivalent of the Matrix. The only downside to Valve focusing on VR is that they have dropped augmented reality projects, at least for the time being. However, if their VR interface comes out half as awesome as I'm expecting it to be, it's going to be a definitive killer feature.
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Steam Valve
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An avid gamer kicking about in the business of freelance writing.