8 Things We Want From Star Wars Battlefront 3

7. More Leaders

Star Wars Battlefront 2 Kit Fisto One thing that becomes apparent the more you play Star Wars Battlefront 2 is that number of Leaders (bonus characters from the films that are either Jedi or have better guns than the normal units, and are unlocked for a short time after earning a certain number of points) is a bit limited. The game has seventeen Leaders (Nineteen if you count the two who were only downloadable through Xbox Live) which is a reasonable number but after a while it just gets a bit samey. Something that could be remedied by increasing the number of Leaders in Battlefront 3. Giving the game a larger number of Leaders isn't an issue of processing power since fan modders have able to add dozens of new Leaders to the PC version of Battlefront 2. A few more Leader characters would help to give the game more longevity and add an element of unpredictability since it would take longer to get the hang of these new Leaders or suss out the AI€™s tactics for using them. Especially if these new Leaders were given new weapons, fighting styles, and Force powers like Kit Fisto's Force Orb attack.

JG Moore is a writer and filmmaker from the south of England. He also works as an editor and VFX artist, and has a BA in Media Production from the University Of Winchester.